Talent Hub Portfolio:

Clarification: The PayPal account is managed by my father.

I build architectural subjects, such as houses, palaces, interiors and can also do furniture, appliances and instruments. In addition, I can build/model any type of regional style, including but not limited to Asian (South, East, Southeast, etc) and European. I do not use any toolbox models in my builds or games unless it is environmental, such as trees to save time.

Terms of Service

I take only USD and Robux as payment via Paypal, however USD is preferred. I charge $18/hour in blocks of 4, in which one block can cover 1-2 days depending on my schedule.

  • I dedicate around 2-4 hours of modeling for each project by day, and many of my showcases have been completed in the span of 3-9 days taking ~10-20 hours. However, larger and more complex builds may take longer.

  • No refunds are accepted. All sales are final.

  • Communication will be done through Discord (@Andarsia) or Email. Please Email or send a Job invitation on talent hub first to inquire for a commission.

Chùa Bái Đính

Roblox Game

  • This build is based off of a real life temple in Ninh Bình, Viet Nam.

Chinese Garden [WIP]

Roblox Model

  • This build features Qing-Ming dynasty architecture.


Chateau Lumiere [SHOWCASE]

Roblox Game

  • This build is based off of a real life place in France called "Chateau Lumiere" (Castle of Light). Everything is being built by myself.

  • The link to this game is not available since it is not yet finished. (Project stalled)

Nurse's Office [SHOWCASE]

Roblox Game

  • This build was referenced off of the 'Stock Exchange Palace' in hungary. I modeled this with unions and it took a few months to build since I was very busy, no 'free models' were used. This game was updated many times, with most recent update being in september 2023.

  • https://www.roblox.com/games/7027952277/Nurses-Office-SHOWCASE

Gyeongbokgung Palace

Roblox Game

  • A work in progress! (Stalled)


Roblox Game

  • I created this game showcasing Chinese architecture. It took 5 days to make and was created in may of 2023. Everything was made by me except the trees.

  • There were some things that weren't clean, like the roof that I could've fixed, but I am satisfied with the result.

  • https://www.roblox.com/games/13523433579/Temple-SHOWCASE


Roblox Game

Playhouse [SHOWCASE]

Roblox Game

Japanese Temple [SHOWCASE]

Roblox Game